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First Year Applicants

Let's Get Started

“Oh, man.” you’re thinking. 大学申请很残酷,对吧? They can be, 但是需要一点准备, 组织和常识, it’s really not too bad. 跟着我们的向导走,你就可以上路了.

Early Action Deadline.
如果你在11月15日之前申请, you’ll be at the top of our list for early evaluation of your admissions application and information about financial aid packages. Test scores submitted from October and November will be considered for this deadline.

Priority Deadline.
If you apply by February 15, you’ll be considered for all scholarship and financial aid packages. Test scores submitted from January and February will be considered for this deadline.

Regular Deadline.
If you apply after April 15, your application will be considered as space and funds are available. Test scores submitted from March and April will be considered for this deadline.

Enrollment Deadline.
Accepted students must pay their enrollment deposit by this date to confirm their place with the incoming class.






We seek students who’ve challenged themselves in an academically rigorous course of study throughout high school. Advanced, honors, AP, IB课程是非常受欢迎的, 但不是被大学录取的必要条件. Students who complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program are eligible to receive up to 30 credits to Loyola, 哪一个相当于一整年的学习, or sophomore status.

We suggest that applicants take advantage of a full range of courses and try to exceed the minimum graduation requirements. Specific coursework may be considered with regard to certain majors. 总的来说,被录取学生的平均GPA是A/B.


所有的成绩单 not 英语水平必须被评估. SPANTRAN is a recommended service. 必须包括官方的每门课程评估.


The Office of Admissions will review applications in a holistic and comprehensive manner. Scholarship eligibility is determined by a student's overall academic performance and the rigor of their curriculum, 在他们高中的背景下, and based on a 4.0 grading scale. 适用于申请不同评分标准的学生, 招生办公室会把他们的平均成绩改成4分.0 scale, taking into account all AP, IB, dual enrollment, honors, or advanced level coursework. 

Personal Statement

This is all you. The personal statement is your chance to speak directly to the admissions committee and show us how you’d fit into the Loyola community.

In this statement we are looking not just for your academic leadership, 还有你的mg游戏试玩参与, personal achievement and, truly, who you are as a person. 如果你在高中经历过任何个人困难, this is a chance to tell us and to explain your circumstances to the committee.


洛约拉新奥尔良需要一个 letter of recommendation 完成你的申请. It should come from a teacher or educator who can speak to your academic ability. It can be submitted electronically via common application, or emailed, faxed or mailed.


所有申请音乐专业的学生, theatre, design, visual arts, 音乐产业的研究和数字电影应该参考 试镜和面试要求.  Students must complete University and program specific requirements before their admissions decision is released. Please contact your admissions counselor with any questions about auditions, 校园参观或你的申请.

No Standardized Tests

洛约拉大学采用了盲测录取程序. This means that we do not require a standardized test score for our admission application and we will not consider a test score, 学生应该选择提交一份吗. In test-blind admissions, the SAT or ACT score is not considered for admission or merit scholarship decisions. 这将使录取过程更加注重GPA, academic rigor, 学生参与和学生的个人陈述. Read our test blind FAQs 了解更多mg游戏试玩的招生过程. 

Special Circumstances:

  • Louisiana students: Currently the state agency (LOSFA) that awards TOPS requires an SAT or ACT score to award the TOPS Scholarship. You must take and submit a qualifying test score to both LOSFA and to Loyola if you want to use TOPS. 洛约拉将使用分数来确定是否有资格参加TOPS, but it will not factor your test score into your admissions decision.
  • Student athletes: Test scores can be used as an option to confirm your National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) eligibility. Please visit the NAIA Eligibility Center 了解更多信息.
  • 国际申请者: whose native language isn’t English must submit the results of the TOEFL or IELTS examination. SAT and ACT test scores may be submitted for scholarship consideration. Visit the 国际申请人页面 for more information.

Students who need to send their ACT or SAT scores to Loyola for one of the reasons above will find Loyola's school codes below: 

SAT Code: 6374
ACT Code: 1592


感谢你申请MG游戏官方网站. For those students who applied for our Early Action application process and have been given the decision of “deferral to regular decision” please refer to the guide below for more information and a better understanding of the deferral process at Loyola New Orleans.

If you were deferred from Early Action to Regular Decision it means that our admissions committee believes you possess many of the characteristics we expect from our applicants, 但是我们现在不能让你入场. The committee believes that your application deserves another review and requests additional information to assist in this additional evaluation. 通常情况下,我们希望看到高三第一学期的成绩.

Yes, all deferred applicants will be reviewed again during the regular decision process.

在滚动的基础上公布常规录取的决定. While there is no deadline for submitting your new information (mid-semester grades), 我们鼓励你们尽快这样做. 所有最终决定将不迟于4月1日公布.

Please submit your first semester/midyear grades as soon as they become available. 一定要向你的指导顾问索要成绩单.

Please submit your first semester/midyear grades as soon as they become available.

Yes, please send any updated material to MG游戏官方网站. 6363 St. Charles Ave, Box 18, MG游戏官方网站, New Orleans, LA 70118.

学生应在3月1日前填写并提交FAFSA. 如果你被MG游戏官方网站录取, you will receive information about merit scholarships and need- based aid following your admission.

We do not have any specific number of deferred students that we intend to admit. All deferred applications will be reviewed again during the regular decision process and those whom we feel are the most prepared will be admitted.

Yes, please feel free to reach out to your admissions counselor for specific questions. 联系他们的最好方式是发电子邮件.